Taken from chapter XXI An aviator, who can be identified by the author himself, makes a forced landing in the desert. There he meets a boy who says that he is the prince of a distant asteroid, called B 612, where he lives alone with three volcanoes and a rose of which he takes great care. This little prince, who is travelling from planet to planet, has come to Earth to learn about men. During his journey, he has met many curious individuals, and this becomes the subject of his story. The friendship with the fox is undoubtedly the most significant chapter in The Little Prince. The animal teaches the boy some crucial things, such as the importance of friendship. The most famous and quoted sentences of the book also come from this chapter. In two languages (ITA/ENG) - 1st edition May 2024.
BLEND Un blend fiabesco che restituisce la magia del testo, ispirato ad alcuni elementi presenti nel racconto a partire dalla famosa Rosa, poi la Rosa canina, una pianta che rappresenta contemporaneamente la volpe (un canide) e la rosa, due dei protagonisti più importanti della storia. Il Grano, evocazione dei campi dorati descritti, per finire con l’aroma di Mela, frutto dell’albero (un melo appunto) sotto il quale la volpe incontra il piccolo Principe.